Monday, September 15, 2014

10 hours to go time

As I sit here with 10 hours left before my surgery I still can't wrap my head around what's about to happen. I'm excited for all the positive outcomes I will have as a result of my surgery but also nervous about the hurdles I'll face along the way. I'm keeping this blog to keep my family and friends up to date on my progress, and also to provide a window into the experience for others who are also considering orthognathic surgery. I hope it will serve both purposes well :)

I want to thank everyone for your best wishes, your continued support and prayers. I've been preparing for an entire year for this procedure. I know it will greatly improve the quality of my life and I am blessed to even have the opportunity to address my issues so I'd like to thank God for that as well.

I will post as soon as I can after the surgery, with before and after shots. For the time being, here is what I'm having done:

Le Fort I Osteotomy, a Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO), and Septoplasty of my deviated septum

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